Medtec 供应链创新展

Medtec 供应链创新展

2024年12月23-24日 | 苏州国际博览中心B1馆

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首页 > 研发设计 > 重磅!20232023上海医疗器械创新展速递新技术:一种用于梗塞心脏修复的具有ANGPTL4缓释的可涂抹和粘附的水凝胶心脏补片 | BAM

重磅!20232023上海医疗器械创新展速递新技术:一种用于梗塞心脏修复的具有ANGPTL4缓释的可涂抹和粘附的水凝胶心脏补片 | BAM


近期,韩国光州科学技术院Jae Young Lee研究团队在科爱创办的期刊Bioactive Materials上发表文章:  心肌梗死再灌注后发生不可逆的病理重构,包括左心室扩张和心肌梗死后的过度炎症反应,常常导致致命性的功能损害。人们已广泛尝试利用心脏补片和抗炎药物输送来减轻心肌梗死后的病理性重构。在这项研究中,作者开发了一种使用葡聚糖醛(Dex-ald)和明胶的可涂性和粘附性水凝胶贴片,将抗炎蛋白ANGPTL4加入水凝胶中,直接向梗塞心脏持续释放,以减轻炎症。


1. 引言



2. 结果和讨论

2.1. 可涂装水凝胶的设计与制备

他们使用明胶和葡聚糖作为基础水凝胶材料,然后进一步将右旋糖苷修饰为地塞米松,它可以通过席夫反应与明胶和心脏组织自发反应,分别与心外膜形成共价水凝胶网络和强烈的粘附键。这种混合后的自发反应使得水凝胶可以在左心外膜上涂抹(图1)。合适的原位凝胶反应动力学是获得可涂抹的水凝胶心脏补片的关键。当心外膜上的原位凝胶发生得太慢时,前体溶液可能在凝胶之前从心脏流出,导致心脏上的水凝胶不完整。另一方面,过快的凝胶化可能会导致水凝胶在心外膜上的不可控和不均匀的覆盖,以及对组织的粘附力不足。因此,他们试图通过考察前体浓度和相对分子质量等各种因素来获得最佳的凝胶化时间。首先,探讨了地塞米松和明胶组成对凝胶形成的影响。明胶中胺含量为0.26,乙醛含量为3.48 mmol/g(图S1)。在明胶含量恒定(10%)的情况下,dex-ald的浓度从1%到5%不等,与乙醛相比,胺基过多。混合物中较高的 dex-ald 含量导致弹性模量增加更快,凝胶化时间更短时间。此外,含有更多dex-ald的凝胶/ dex-ald水凝胶具有更高的模量(图2A和2B)。这些结果表明,醛密集存在于 dex-ald 链中的基团(0.58 个醛基团在葡萄糖单位)与胺基团的可及性和反应性有限在明胶中形成希夫碱键,需要更大的醛含量用于网络形成比胺基团。明胶的变化明胶的变化在 Dex-ALD 含量恒定的情况下,含量从2.5%到10% 不显著影响凝胶时间(图2C和2D)。然而,明胶/DEX-ALD的弹性模量随着明胶含量的增加而增加。

图1 Schematic representations of an adhesive paintable hydrogel. (A) Schematic illustration of a paintable hydrogel consisting of dextran-aldehyde and gelatin for the treatment of infarcted hearts. (B) Schematic illustration of sustained release of ANGPTL4 from a paintable hydrogel on epicardium to infarcted myocardium.

图S1 The content of a functional group (amine or aldehyde) in each polymer. 

图2 Preparation and characterization of the paintable gelatin/dex-ald hydrogels. (A) Time-dependent shear moduli of various hydrogels prepared with 10% gelatin and different concentrations of dex-ald. G′ and G″ indicate a viscous component and an elastic component of the modulus, respectively. (B) Gelation times and shear moduli (G′) of the hydrogels from (A). *p < 0.05 compared to 1% of dex-ald. #p < 0.05 compared to 2.5% of dex-ald. (C) Time-dependent shear moduli of various hydrogels prepared with 5% dex-ald and different concentrations of gelatin. (D) Gelation times and shear moduli (G′) of the hydrogels from (C). *p < 0.05 compared to 2.5% of gelatin. #p < 0.05 compared to 5% of gelatin. (E) Time-dependent shear moduli of various hydrogels prepared with 10% gelatin and 5% dex-ald prepared from different MWs of dextran (150 kDa, 500 kDa, and 1.5 MDa). (F) Gelation times of the hydrogels from (E). (G) Frequency sweep of various hydrogels prepared with 10% gelatin and 5% dex-ald prepared from dextran of different MWs (150 kDa, 500 kDa, and 1.5 MDa). (H) Shear elastic moduli of the hydrogels at 1 Hz after swelling in saline for 24 h. (I) Photographs for the hydrogel prepared with 10% gelatin and 5% dex-ald (produced from 500 kDa dextran). (J) Scanning electron micrographs of the hydrogel. Experiments were performed in triplicate (n = 3). *p < 0.05.

此外,利用不同相对分子质量(150 kDa、500 kDa和1.5 mda)的葡聚糖制备了不同的Dex-ald前驱体和明胶/Dex-ald水凝胶。有趣的是,由Dex-ald(从500 kDa葡聚糖氧化)和10%明胶组成的前体溶液形成凝胶的速度比其他溶液更快(图2E和2F)。较大的Dex-ald链可能比较短的链更容易缠绕;然而,由于迁移率较低,它们可能会与明胶(希夫碱)反应效率较低。流变学研究表明,用500 kDa右旋糖酐制备的水凝胶在1 Hz时的储能模数(G’)比其他两种材料高,为13.5±1.2kPa,而凝胶时间的变化趋势与之相反(图2G和2H)。含有5%地塞米松(由500 kDa葡聚糖制备)和10%明胶的水凝胶具有中等的凝胶时间(135 s)和心脏组织样弹性系数(杨氏模数=40.5±3.6kpa),这被确定为适合于心脏组织的可绘制水凝胶,并被用于后续研究。在前驱体溶液混合后,水凝胶的粘度迅速增加,并表现出剪切稀化行为(图S2)。此外,我们还通过将混合前驱体溶液螺旋状或直线涂抹在玻璃管上,验证了水凝胶的可注射性和可涂装性。涂装的水凝胶即使在90°下倾斜时仍保持稳定(图S3)。使用双注射器注射后,水凝胶保持稳定,没有流动(图2I)。扫描电子显微镜图像显示高度多孔的结构,孔径为3.8±1.7μm(图2J)。在水凝胶光谱中,在1056 cm−1(席夫碱)处有一个新的峰,而在1735 cm−1(醛)处的峰消失了,表明水凝胶中形成了席夫碱。

图S2 Viscosity of the gelatin/dex-ald hydrogel. (A) Time-dependent viscosity of the hydrogel after mixing 10% gelatin and 5% dex-ald. (B) inset of (A). (C) Viscosity of the hydrogel at shear rates from 0.1 to 100 s−1. The hydrogel was incubated in saline for 24 h prior to measurement.

图S3 Photographs of the gelatin/dex-ald hydrogels applied in a spiral or straight line on a glass tube. 

2.2. 明胶/地塞米松水凝胶的粘附性

作者的目标是开发一种粘附性水凝胶心脏补片,它不需要手术缝合,并且稳定地支持心外膜的机械性能。因此,他们研究了明胶/Dex-ald水凝胶的粘附性。将由10%明胶和5%地塞米松组成的水凝胶注射到一块组织块上,然后将另一块组织块覆盖到水凝胶上(图3A)。该凝胶对猪心外膜和皮肤具有较强的界面粘附力,分别为4.2±0.3kPa和19.5±1.7kPa(图3A和图3B)。不同相对分子质量(150 kDa、500 kDa和1.5 mda)的地塞米松制备的水凝胶之间的粘接强度没有显著差异(图S5)。值得注意的是,他们的可绘制水凝胶的组织粘附性与其他粘附性心脏补片相当。此外,水凝胶粘合组织的循环伸长没有引起粘合强度的实质性变化(图3C),显示出优异的耐久组织粘附性。经50次拉伸后,明胶/地塞米松水凝胶对心外膜和皮肤组织的初始搭接剪应力分别为96.5%和88.4%。在扭转、弯曲和水冲洗等各种变形下,水凝胶仍然牢固地附着在心外膜上(图3D)。总之,作者研发的明胶/地塞米松水凝胶有望稳定地附着在心外膜上,稳定地保持其形状,并适当地发挥无缝线心脏补片的功能。

图3 Adhesion properties of the paintable hydrogels. (A) Lap shear stress of hydrogels to epicardium and skin tissues. (B) Photographs (distance = 0 mm and distance = 4 mm) of gelatin/dex-ald-tissue samples during the lap shear tests. (C) Cyclic stretching of gelatin/dex-ald-bonded epicardium and skin. Sample-bonded tissues were stretched up to 50 cycles with 0–4 mm of distance and 60 mm/min tensile rate. (D) Adhesion of (left) hydrogel-bonded porcine epicardium under dynamic conduction and (right) hydrogel-bonded rat heart with water flushing. Arrows indicate the hydrogels remaining on the tissue. Statistical significance was analyzed by one-way ANOVA followed by a Tukey analysis.

图S5 Lap shear stress of various hydrogels prepared with 5% gelatin and 5% dex-ald prepared with different MWs of dextran (150 kDa, 500 kDa, and 1.5 MDa) using epicardium tissue.


2.3. ANGPTL4从明胶/地塞米松水凝胶中的释放

作者期望ANGPTL4具有高负载能力和的缓释能力,所以他们将A4/明胶/地塞米松水凝胶在酸性(pH 5.8)或中性(pH 7.4)缓冲溶液中孵育,分别代表了缺血和正常心脏组织。对照组可见ANGPTL4突发性释放。例如,初始负载的ANGPTL4在3 h内在pH 7.4中释放了76.7%。相反,A4/明胶/Dex-ald在早期孵育时间点表现出持续释放曲线,没有明显的突释(图4B)。ANGPTL4从第7天开始达到饱和释放,说明ANGPTL4在水凝胶中保持稳定。A4/明胶/Dex-ald在酸性缓冲液(pH 5.8)中释放ANGPL4的速度快于中性缓冲液(pH 7.4)。结果表明,在酸性条件下,ANGPTL4与水凝胶骨架之间的席夫碱会逐渐失稳,从而促进ANGPTL4的释放。由于心肌梗塞心脏表现出轻微的酸性,ANGPTL4的释放可能取决于心肌梗塞的严重程度(图4C)。此外,明胶/Dex-ald的模数逐渐降低,水凝胶在酸性溶液中逐渐降解,证实了Schiff碱在酸性微环境中的不稳定性(图S6)。接下来,我们在随后的实验中评估了体内降解情况。

图4 In vitro release of ANGPTL4 from A4/gelatin/dex-ald hydrogels and gelatin hydrogels. (A) Cumulative release profiles of ANGPTL4 from the gelatin/dex-ald and gelatin control (crosslinked with glutaraldehyde) during the incubation. In vitro release tests were performed using Cy5-tagged ANGPTL4 in release buffer solutions (pH 5.8 and 7.4). (B) Inset of (A). (C) Schematic illustration for sustained release of ANGPTL4 through reversible Schiff base between dex-ald and ANGPTL4.

图S6 Stability of paintable hydrogels (gelatin/dex-ald) at different pH buffer solutions. (A) Change (%) in shear modulus (G’) of paintable hydrogels in release buffer solutions (pH 5.8 or 7.4). (B) Mass change (%) of paintable hydrogels and control hydrogels (glutaraldehyde-crosslinked gelatin) in release buffer solutions (pH 5.8 or 7.4).

2.4. 明胶/地塞米松水凝胶体外培养细胞

乳酸脱氢酶检测显示,在明胶/地塞米松水凝胶中培养的CMS显示出高达7天的良好细胞活力(图5A)。此外,在Transwell插入物中以水凝胶作为间接接触模式培养的CMS具有高达7天的高存活率(>95%)(图5B)。活/死染色表明,在带有水凝胶的Transwell插入物中培养的CMS与在组织培养板上培养的CMS之间的细胞活力没有显著差异(图5C和5D)。进一步研究了原位形成的明胶/地塞米松的细胞相容性,将水凝胶(混合前驱体溶液后5分钟) 放置到在磷酸三钙中培养的CMS上(图S7)。孵育48 h后,细胞活力与对照组(不加水凝胶的胞质干细胞)无显著差异(图S7),表明明胶和地塞米松没有潜在的细胞毒性。如图5E所示,在水凝胶上培养的CMS在培养的第7天观察到α-肌动蛋白的高表达和明显的肌。结果表明,他们研发的明胶/Dex-ald水凝胶具有良好的细胞相容性,并支持CM成熟。

图5 In vitro cytotoxicity tests. LDH assay of (A) CMs directly cultured on the gelatin/dex-ald hydrogel and (B) CMs cultured in the transwell insert with the gelatin/dex-ald hydrogel (indirect contact). (C) Live (green)/dead (red) staining images of the CMs cultured on TCP or in the transwell insert with the hydrogel for 3 and 7 days. Scale bars = 200 μm. (D) Calcein AM positive area per image in each group. (E) Immunofluorescence staining for α-actinin (red), CX-43 proteins (green), and nuclei (blue) of the CMs cultured on the gelatin/dex-ald hydrogel for 7 days. Scale bars = 50 μm.

图S7 Cytocompatibility of paintable hydrogels (gelatin/dex-ald). (A) Live (green)/dead (red) staining images of the CMs cultured on a tissue culture plate (TCP) with or without coverage of the in situ formed paintable hydrogels. Fluorescence images were acquired 24 and 48 h after coverage. (B) CMs viability (%) in each group. For the cytocompatibility studies with in situ formed paintable hydrogels, the CMs were seeded on TCP (2.0 × 105 cells) in 6 well culture plates and incubated for 24 h in CM growth medium. Then, a precursor solution of gelatin/dex-ald hydrogel was mixed and incubated in the petri dish at 37°C for 5 min. The in situ formed hydrogel was then carefully placed on the CMs growing on TCP. After addition 24 and 48 h incubation, the hydrogels covering the CMs were carefully removed, and the CMs were stained by Live/dead staining.

2.5. 明胶/地塞米松的体内着色性和降解性


图6 In vivo studies for paintability and degradability of gelatin/dex-ald hydrogels on the heart. (A) Photographs of the procedures for painting the gelatin/dex-ald hydrogel as an epicardial patch; (i) mixing of gel precursor solutions using a dual syringe, (ii) transfer of the mixed hydrogel onto a rat epicardium, (iii) painting of the hydrogel on the rat epicardium, (iv) the painted hydrogel cardiac patch on the heart. (B) Photographs of the hearts painted with gelatin/dex-ald hydrogels on day 0, day 7, and day 14. Arrows indicate the hydrogels remaining on the hearts.

2.6. ANGPTL4可涂抹水凝胶用于心脏修复


图7 Effects of gelatin/dex-ald hydrogel cardiac patches on heart functions and remodeling after MI. (A) Photographs of experimental groups (sham, MI, gelatin/dex-ald, and A4/gelatin/dex-ald). (B) Representative echocardiographic images after 2 weeks MI and treatment. (C, D) The LV function parameters (EF and FS) in various groups after 2 weeks MI. (E) Representative heart photographs and Masson’s trichrome staining images of the isolated hearts after 2 weeks MI and treatment. Arrows indicate the hydrogels remaining in the heart. (F) Fibrosis area and (F) LV wall thickness in each group. n = 4 (sham), n = 5 (MI), n = 5 (gelatin/dex-ald), and n = 5 (A4/gelatin/dex-ald). Statistical significance was analyzed by one-way ANOVA followed by a Tukey analysis. *p < 0.05.


图8 Representative immunofluorescence images of rat heart tissues 2 weeks after MI. (A) Immunofluorescence staining of vWF (an endothelial marker, green) and α-SMA (a vascular protein marker, red) in the border zone. (B) Immunofluorescence staining of CD68 (a macrophage marker, green) and CD206 (an anti-inflammatory macrophage marker, red) in the border zone. The yellow color in the fluorescence images indicates the co-localization of CD68 and CD206. The upper images are the corresponding images of Masson’s Trichrome staining in each group (A and B).

3. 结论


